Why does Stash Url include a "scm" entry

Henrik Lund September 11, 2012

I've set up at Stash (1.03 beta 2) behind a Apache proxy and it works as expected. However I wonder about the URLs sugqested. In the Stash web UI under project, repository, files, the computed URL under

"Working with your repository" is:

git clone https://userid@<HOST NAME>/<CONTEXT>/scm/<PROJECT>/<REPO>.git

where does the scm comes from ?

The computed URL under project, repository, settings, "Repository settings, Name" is:

https://userid@<HOST NAME>/<CONTEXT>/git/<PROJECT>/<REPO>.git

which I prefer.

Both URLs are valid, but can I modify the URLs suggested to replace "scm" with e.g. "git"in the URL?

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jhinch (Atlassian)
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 16, 2012

The /scm/ part of the URL comes from the acronym for Software Configuration Management (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_configuration_management) which is another term used for a versional control system. Stash uses /scm/ in the url instead of hard coding the specific SCM (in this case git) to allow for the possibility in the future to add support for additional SCMs.

This part of the URL cannot be changed as there are many parts of the Stash codebase which rely on this.

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