Where to find a list of emoticon names for reacting to PR comments via REST API?

Jeremiah Watkins
October 26, 2023

I'm trying to use the REST API to react to PR comments in Bitbucket, following this documentation.

After some trial and error I've found that it's looking for a certain name for each emoticon. I can react via the web GUI then do a `GET` request on that comment and the emoticon and name shows up in the properties of the REST response. So "heart" adds a heart, "smile" adds a smile. But it's not always straight-forward--for instance, since "smile" works I'd think "laugh" would too, but instead it's "laughing".

All that to say, is there somewhere I can find a full list of every emoticon and the appropriate name to use? Otherwise I have to basically go through all the options and react on the GUI, do a `GET` request, etc. for every available emoticon.

I've found the `com.atlassian.bitbucket.emoticons` class where it says the EmoticonService.getEmoticons() method:

Provides a fully populated map of all available emoticons.

But I'm not sure how to actually invoke that method.

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