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  • When I try to import a repository from one Bitbucket server to another, does it also imports the pull requests created in the same repository?

When I try to import a repository from one Bitbucket server to another, does it also imports the pull requests created in the same repository?

Kedar Naik October 3, 2016

When I try to import a repository from one Bitbucket server to another, does it also imports the pull requests created in the same repository?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2016

No, the Bitbucket Server importer only imports the git repository and its history. Since pull requests are not part of git, they do not get brought in.

For more info, see https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BitbucketServer/Importing+code+from+an+existing+project#Importingcodefromanexistingproject-web

Kedar Naik October 5, 2016

Thank you Kristy!!!

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