What's the process and Impact of clone specific repository from one workspace to another workspace?

Harshavardhanreddy_D May 9, 2023

Hello All, 

Hope you are doing well.

Could someone assist to know the process and impact when we clone or transfer a specific repository from one workspace to another workspace. If the current workspace user is discontinued and an administrative access granted to one of the member of the organization. 


https://bitbucket.org/user1/repo1 to https://bitbucket.org/user2/repo2

and repo1 used for production deployments. And so as to understand what will be the impact?

Appreciate a quick response.





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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 10, 2023

Hi Harsha,

When you transfer a repository following the instructions on this page https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/transfer-repository-ownership/ the URL of the repo is going to change, as you noted, e.g. from

https://bitbucket.org/workspace-a/repo1 to https://bitbucket.org/workspace-b/repo1

Please keep in mind that repositories belong to a certain workspace, not to a user.

Developers that have a local clone of this repo, will need to update the URL of the remote in the local clone to the new one (after the transfer).

Details are provided in the documentation page I shared, in the section "Update local configuration files with the new repository URL".

If you have any integrations with third-party tools or scripts that use this repo, you will also need to change the URL that these integrations and scripts use to the new one.

Kind regards,

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