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What is the reason that I am seeing code from another repository?

jianbai-wang September 25, 2024

I have had 2 repos, let's say Repo-A and Repo-B. For a long time (3 years), the code checked out and in on the 2 repos never got crossed.

But today I noticed a very strange thing. I can see the branches, commits, tags of Repo-B from Repo-A! I verified it using both SourceTree and GitKrakan, and directly on BitBucket's web app. I thought it might be because my repositories somehow get mixed when checking out Repo-B from Repo-A. So I deleted the both local repos and re-cloned them. It still the same. I can even checkout code of Repo-B from Repo-A. Interestingly, I noticed this is not happening to the two repos all the time. It only occurred for about 1 year or so. Because I can see it from the BitBucket Web App, it is not just my local repos.

I need help to under stand how this could happen, and more importantly, how to straighten them out.

Thanks for any help.


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