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What is the purpose of projects in BitBucket Cloud if you cannot manage users and groups?

Philippe Chaudun June 20, 2019


In BitBucket Cloud I don't see any benefits having Projects level if you cannot manage users and group permissions at this level.

Having it will save me a lot of wasting time managing same users and group permissions for all repos hosted in the same project.

It seems that this feature exists in BitBucket Server.

I'd like to know if it's an improvement already in discussion or if nobody has the same feeling about this missing feature.




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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 23, 2019

Hi @Philippe Chaudun ,

At the moment, Projects are a means to keep the repositories organized. Users will still need to be added on a per-repository or per-group basis. There's an existing feature request to allow to manage users with project permissions, you can find it at Issue #13202. Make sure to add your vote to show your interest.

Hope that helps!


Philippe Chaudun June 24, 2019

Hi Ana,

Thank you for your answer.

At the moment it's how I use it, but it's really painful to manage users/group on a per-repository basis when all repositories have the basic same audience.

I voted for the Issue #13202 to ensure it will be added ASAP. Thanks.

Indeed that helps to know that I'm not alone thinking about this enhancement...



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