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What is the latest version of Git that is compatible with bitbcuket server 4.8?

Ben Matthews
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September 14, 2023

I have a windows server running bitbucket server 4.8.4.

We have a postGreSQL database in the background. version 9.5.

All was working fine until end of august.

It seems that a recent git update ( has been rolled out and now i cannot access the repository at all via bitbucket. None of my users can log in and the "Reset Password" links say that the accounts are read only.

git version reports version correctly so the git instance is running. I cant remember what version of git was running before.


Do i need to rollback git to a supported version, and if so, does anyone have instrutions on how to do this?

At the moment my repositories are completely inaccessible

Hope you can help!



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