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Webhook push event payload only contains latest commit

Lam Nguyen
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July 8, 2024

When working with BB push event payload (webhook), if a push event contains multiple commits, only the most recent commit shows up under 'changes' section.

I'm using bitbucketserver0721 so I wonder if it's by-design or I'm missing something here? The newer documentation does mentioned there are max 5 commits associated with the push event can show up, but this doc doesnt have that

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Kuğbe July 8, 2024

Hi @lamhng 

Welcome to the community!

When using Bitbucket Server push event webhooks, based one my experience, only the most recent commits may appear in the payload, which is by design to keep it manageable.

By using the REST API or adjusting your Bitbucket Server settings, you can effectively handle multiple commits in push event payloads.

Hope this helps(:

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