WebHook IP address-range not in official documentation

Nico Nußbaum
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February 13, 2018


our WebHooks don't work anymore because they're sent from an IP addresses we haven't whitelisted, since they're not in the official documentation (https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/what-are-the-bitbucket-cloud-ip-addresses-i-should-use-to-configure-my-corporate-firewall-343343385.html )

Is there a new address-range that we need to whitelist or is this temporary?

The addresses in question are &

We use Bamboo as a CI/CD


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Atlassian Team
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February 13, 2018

Both of those addresses are included in

Nico Nußbaum
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 14, 2018

I didn't check the outbound-range (which is the relevant one) and compared it to the addresses we're whitelisting. 

Thank you very much!

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