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VS 2017 BitBucket Ext Unknown error

Michael Whitaker
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June 11, 2019

I use Visual Studio 2017 with the BitBucket extension installed (v1.40.3).

In the past, I could push and pull with no problems, but somewhere along the line, it quit working. The last successful push was on 4/12. I do not recall making any change around that time or since.

I do not program all the time, so my project will get worked on for a month, and then I won't touch it for a while. I also must admit that I am not well-versed in git; it was originally setup for me.

I tried following the steps here:, but when I get to the step where I am supposed to clone the repository, I get:


I'm not sure what to do with that... The default local directory had nothing in it, so I got the directory for my local repo and pasted it in; the error went away, but the screen still shows no repositories in the list.

Other [maybe] relevant information:

  • My BitBucket account does have several repositories.
  • When I go to Team Explorer > Settings > Repository Settings > Remotes; it displays the repository I am wanting to push to.
  • When I go to Team Explorer > Manage Connections > Bitbucket Extension; I see "Welcome [my username]
    You are connected to"
  • From the synchronization screen, this is what I see:

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