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Using the new 8x pipelines give me HTTP errors

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June 30, 2024

Recently there was a new announcement on Atlassian to allow 4x and 8x pipelines in their servers with 16CPUs and 32GB of memory:

I was trying to update my pipelines and I also updated the Corporate firewall to accept the new IPs listed here:

But I still get HTTP issues when trying to download my Bitbucket repository:


This only happens when I use the new 8x or 4x pipelines, if I change the size to 2x it works. 


I also gave more memory to the docker image up to memory: 27128


Any advice on where should I start looking? Is this a known issue?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 1, 2024

Hi Kikadass, 

The documentation is in the process of being updated as it is not made exactly clear how to ensure that your 4x/8x pipeline builds use only the IP addresses within the atlassian-ip-ranges list that you've mentioned.

To do so and avoid firewall issues - you will need to modify your YML configuration as per this article as follows:

Example - using the runtime globally to enable atlassian-ip-ranges for all 4x, 8x steps

      atlassian-ip-ranges: true

Example - using the runtime to enable atlassian-ip-ranges for a particular step

- step:
size: 4x
cloud: atlassian-ip-ranges: true script: - echo "I use atlassian-ip-ranges"

Hope this helps.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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