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Using different aws credentials in pipeline

oguzhan January 5, 2021

Hi, I've a bitbucket pipeline that must have multiple aws credentials for different duties.

In the first lines, I have custom ECR image. To pull it, I created an AWS user for only ECR read only permissions. access-key and secret-key parameters are the keys of that user.

And in this ECR image, I embedded another AWS user's credentials to do the rest of the work (image push etc). But somehow, the credentials that I used for pulling base image running in steps too. Because of this situation, image push is being denied.  

Is the credentials for base image pull being applied pipeline-wide?

And how can I overcome with this situation?

Thank you. 

name: <ECR Image>
access-key: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID

- step
name: "Image Build & Push"
- export ENVIRONMENT=beta
- echo "Environment is ${ENVIRONMENT}"
- make clean
- make test
- docker tag ....
- docker push .....


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Halyna Berezovska
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 28, 2021

@oguzhansuch syntax you provide in the beginning of the pipeline is indeed pipeline-wide.

But in each step it should be overridden. This is the question how you configure environment variables specifically for push step.

You also if not succeed, can do some workarounds and use aws configure with different variables nasmes (e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KE_ID_PUSH), BUT I have better solution that should match your case.


We have such feature in bitbucket repos as Deployments where you can setup environment, for example, call it your "beta" and put there variables Specifically for your push.

There can be aws access key pair and other variables you need. Deployments variables will override your piepline-wide variables for such deployment specifically, and not touch other steps.

 See the documentation https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/set-up-and-monitor-bitbucket-deployments/

Basically, your pipeline after deployment's setup in the separate bitbucket settings, would look like:

  - step: 
name: "Image Build & Push"
deployment: beta
- ....

And in beta deployment you will set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and secret for push user

I guess this solution is much more cleaner and you could use it in the future for even more cases .

Regards, Galyna

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