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User unable to access a repository despite being part of a group which has access at project level

deirdrerodgers September 6, 2019


I have a user who is unable to perform requests against a specific repository. 


It looks like they are getting a 401 response code

 | https | o@JWW5PHx126766097501x0 | dbdeveloper | 2019-09-05 21:07:46,036 | "GET /bla/blab/globalbibilling.databases.git/info/refs HTTP/1.1" | "" "git/" | 200 | 0 | 380 | protocol:1, refs | 10 | - |
| https | i@JWW5PHx126ttt3097507x0 | - | 2019-09-05 21:07:48,210 | "GET /bla/blab/globalbibilling.databases.git/info/refs HTTP/1.1" | "" "git/" | - | - | - | - | - | - |
| https | o@JWW5PHx1267x23097507x0 | - | 2019-09-05 21:07:48,211 | "GET /bla/blab/globalbibilling.databases.git/info/refs HTTP/1.1" | "" "git/" | 401 | 0 | 0 | - | 1 | - |
| https | i@JWW5PHhhh267x23097508x0 | - | 2019-09-05 21:07:48,261 | "GET /bla/blab/globalbibilling.databases.git/info/refs HTTP/1.1" | "" "git/" | - | - | - | - | - | - |

They are not doing this manually but using a custom built tool. With this tool they are able to access other repositories in the account with no issue

The user is part of a group "database project users"

If I navigate to the repository in question and click on repository permissions I see there are none set so I then click on the link for project permissions.

Here I can see that the group "database project users" has read and write access to the overall project.

Any ideas what could be wrong? 


My next thought it to get them to try and access it manually by logging in and see if they have the same issue

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