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Updating my local Master Repo

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February 19, 2019


I followed all the instructions on your website to create Repo, add file, pull and push files.

When I created Repo for the first time locally Master was created. It reflected contents same as the contents on remote(repo). 

Other members who are using same Repo have added details to files and merged onto Repo. Now if I have to move my master to the latest, i tried to Pull request. there happens to be conflict on the pull request; how do i resolve it and update my master to lastest and point to the latest repo in Remote 

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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February 21, 2019

I guess you are trying to update your changes in local, on master, and push it to remote? If so, try this:

1. Pull from remote master first. git pull origin master

2. If there are merge conflicts, address those

3. Commit the merged code locally

4. Push to remote. git push origin master

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