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Update repository variable

Erez_Amihud December 18, 2019

Hi, I am trying to update a repository variable value (so that it will change for every pipeline), using curl (I need it to be called in bash), through that link:

but I didn't quite understood how to use it, can someone show an example/ another way to do it?

Thanks in advance

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December 19, 2019

I don't have an example at hand but what I noticed is that the link you provided is not about setting a repository variable, but about something different called a deployment variable within a configured deployment.

Did you mean - to obtain existing variables (UUID etc.) or create new ones (UUID etc.).

and - to change the value of a variable?

In any case I can't tell you whether or not calling the API - even if successful - will set the variables value in the context you would like to use it. That is merely because it is not clear from your question what you're trying to do down to such a specific level.

Erez_Amihud December 22, 2019

solved it with the links, thanks

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