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Unknown state in response

esk March 8, 2020

We're trying to setup SSO on our Bitbucket DC instance with OIDC and we're seeing this error after logging in on our IDp(Keycloak).

com.atlassian.plugins.authentication.impl.web.usercontext.AuthenticationFailedException: Unknown state in response

Does anymore have more info on the error?

The stack trace is

com.atlassian.plugins.authentication.impl.web.usercontext.AuthenticationFailedException: Unknown state in response
	at com.atlassian.plugins.authentication.impl.web.oidc.OidcConsumerServlet.lambda$doGet$0(
	at java.base/java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(
	at com.atlassian.plugins.authentication.impl.web.oidc.OidcConsumerServlet.doGet(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.DelegatingPluginServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.ServletModuleContainerServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


4 answers

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Joe Red November 3, 2022

I am getting this error after a user as already been into the application. Now they cannot get in and the logs are saying Unknown State in Response.


Any help?

0 votes
Laurent s
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November 9, 2021


i've got same problem with confluence and Cas Apero OIDC. I'm not sure what to write in "username claim"

i try with {sub} or {id} or something else, and i"ve always the same error

a solution for someone ?

0 votes
Reab May 3, 2021

@esk I'm facing this issue, were you able to solve it? 

0 votes
Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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January 21, 2021


Have you tried to clean config and do it from scratch? 

Reab April 20, 2021

Hi. Which config to clean?

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