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Unable to configure Bitbucket Server Slack plugin

Hale Sostock
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September 4, 2019

Hi all, we are running an on-premise installation of Bitbucket Data Center (which is not exposed to the internet), and I am attempting to install and configure the official Slack notification plugin. There's a couple issues that seem to be going on:

  • When on the "Connect to a new team" page, if I select the "go to slack" button, I'm taken to the Bitbucket Server slack app page. If i then choose "Set up", it just takes me to the "Bitbucket Server for Slack (Official)" marketplace page to install the plugin again
  • So, I then try to follow the "How do I connect to multiple Slack Workspaces?" instructions in order to manually get the credentials. However, after entering them, I get the error message "The credentials you entered are not in a valid format. Please, check if you entered the correct JSON text." If I look at the network response, it only shows the above error message and a 400 response code. There is no further debug information in the application logs.
  • I also tried using the basic connection type and copying the JSON payload from the network request, and still receive the same response and error.


We are using Bitbucket Data Center v5.16.1, and have version 2.0.0 of the plugin installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 answers

1 vote
Evan Slaughter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 11, 2019

Hi Hale,

I just wanted to follow up this community thread with the conversation resulting from a recent support ticket that was created by your team for this same issue.

What the general process looks like is that after installing the app on your Bitbucket instance, you should get a screen similar to the following:


From here, there are two main tasks you need to complete:

  1. Install and configure the corresponding Bitbucket Server app within your Slack instance
  2. Paste the resulting authentication JSON data back into the Bitbucket app

To expand on the second point - once you complete the setup of the official Bitbucket Server app within your Slack instance, you should receive a bunch of configuration data akin to the following:


This JSON is what you're going to end up pasting into that last section of our first screenshot. Once that's done - you should have successfully established a bidirectional link between your Bitbucket Server instance and Slack!


Evan Slaughter

Hamdy Atakora May 14, 2020

@Evan Slaughter  i am with him here. I dod all that and i am having the same issues

Evan Slaughter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 14, 2020

Hey @Hamdy Atakora,

Would you be able to get into a bit more detail on the errors you're seeing, as well as the steps you're taking when implementing the plugin on both sides?

You'll want to make sure that your system is both able to send, as well as receive, network traffic from Slack - as the integration between the two systems will not succeed unless these network comms are allowed. (This means that your Bitbucket instance will need to be accessible to Slack, and be allowed to receive traffic when Slack is the one initiating the connection.)


Evan Slaughter

Hamdy Atakora May 14, 2020

So i followed the directions here

As our bitbucket is behind a firewall i then proceeded to creating an app as described

Followed the steps carefully. Skipped anything that wouldn't work if the instance is behind a firewall.

When back to the bitbucket instance and i enter my details about the app in advanced mode, i get the same error

The credentials you entered are not in a valid format. Please, check if you entered the correct JSON text

I tried this a few times now @Evan Slaughter 

Evan Slaughter
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 19, 2020

@Hamdy Atakora,

Since your Bitbucket instance is behind a firewall and can't facilitate this needed bi-directional communication between Bitbucket and Slack, the instructions you need to follow are going to differ significantly from the ones mentioned in my earlier response last year, as you are trying to create a custom app to accomplish this task which has since been outlined/added in the article mentioned following the submission of this original question.

All of the steps to do this should be found over in this section of the article you mentioned, instead of using the steps mentioned in this community post. If you're still having trouble after following those steps, it would probably be best to go ahead and submit those specific issues you're encountering as a separate community post to help highlight these different errors you're now receiving that shouldn't be related to this previous recommendation.


Evan Slaughter

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 4, 2020


I'm having exactly the same issues as described by Hamdy. Also with setup behind a firewall. I have been following the guide of your offical documentation ( and skipped the behind firewall ones. The section you referred to is a dead link so it's not reachable. 

We already have a slack setup for our production bitbucket server, but I now want to configure the same for our test bitbucket server. The existing setup was done a while back via the simple method and that works fine. When trying the guide for the advanced setup for the test environment, we get the same error message as Hamdy (The credentials you entered are not in a valid format. Please, check if you entered the correct JSON text). The JSON text was provided with setup off the production environment and I'm not prompted to add it again via advanced setup.  See below where the error occurs, our data removed.


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Matthew Thompson
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May 28, 2020

We saw the same. The key piece for us was that the plugin does not support the new slack oauth permissions model. Since we started troubleshooting this I see that has been added to the instructions "first visit" and make an app that uses the deprecated scopes. Do not just make an app in the normal manner with the new scopes or take Slack up on its offer to update your created app to the equivalent new ones.

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