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Unable to activate 2 step verification

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March 21, 2023


I reinstalled the two-step verification app. Now trying to enable it, but not receiving email to finish enabling two-step verification.

Can you help me?




2 answers

1 vote
Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 22, 2023

Hi Claudio,

Does this concern the account with the same email address as your community account?

This email address is not in any of our suppression lists. I also checked our email logs and we sent several emails to that email address the day you posted, all of them show to have been delivered to your mail server.

I would suggest the following:

  1. First, check your Spam folder as Riley suggested
  2. If the email is not there, please try re-enabling 2FA. If you still don't get the email, then please provide us with the following info:
    • The date and time (+ timezone) you re-enabled 2FA for the second time. You can convert the timezone to UTC so that you don't share it here publicly. With this info, we can check our email logs for events at that time.

    • Whether this issue concerns the account with the same email address as your community account. In case this issue occurs with a different account, please log in to with the email of this other account and leave a comment here, so I can check its email.

    • Confirm if you're trying to enable 2FA for Bitbucket via

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

0 votes
Riley Venable
Community Leader
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March 21, 2023

It is recommended to double-check the provided email address and spam or junk mail folders. If the issue persists, Claudio may need to contact Atlassian support for further assistance.

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