Transfer repo B to repo A under subdirectory named xyz with commit history

Rushi Patel
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June 2, 2023

I want to transfer "develop" branch of repository B to repository A's subdirectory named "xyz" under branch "main/develop" of repository A by preserving all commit history of repository B for branch "develop".      

I have tried bundle, subtree, submodule, mirror, bare, but some transfers the data with no commit history and git filter-repo doesnt help me transfer the files itself.


Can someone please suggest solution from mac terminal or UI of bitbucket.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 5, 2023

Hi @Rushi Patel and welcome to the community!

You can use a submodule for this purpose. In a clone of repository A, check out the branch where you want to have repo B.

You can then use the following command

git submodule add -b develop xyz

where workspace-id is the id of the workspace that repo-B belongs to
xyz is the name of the directory where the submodule will be saved

This command will create a directory named xyz, and the branch develop of repo-B will be cloned in this directory.

Please keep in mind that the commits of "develop" branch of repo-B will not be part of the repo's A history.
A submodule allows you to keep a Git repository (repo B in your case) as a subdirectory of another Git repository (repo A). So, the history of "develop" branch of repo-B will be inside the xyz directory.

You can find more info about how to work with submodules on the official Git documentation here:

Is this something that works for you?

Kind regards,

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