To synchronize two Stash instances.

Pavel Luksha September 20, 2015


regarding scenario: there are two stash instances don't have network connection between each other with the same projects/repos. People works with the both instances independently. If we set a network connection between instances what is the way to synchronize them (and switch one of them off to work only with single instance)?

3 answers

1 vote
Roger Barnes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 21, 2015

Hi Pavel,

It would be good to understand what you're trying to do. Having 2 instances with the same content is not a supported configuration out of the box, and there's likely better ways to achieve your aim.

0 votes
Pavel Luksha September 21, 2015


the reason is that we were forced to make a copy (i.g. the same projects/repos) of our main instance in the another location, because unfortunately there are not any network connections between the main location and second location. So, employees will work with the both instances independently. And now we should get conception how to synchronize this instances in case network connections appear?

0 votes
Deleted user September 21, 2015

Why are they working with 2 Stash instances? Does the Stash instances have different data? I suggest you explore on using the "Stash Data Center" mode, we are using it and it's fairly easy to setup.

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