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Storing an Android repo in Bitbucket

mikem388 January 15, 2020

I want to store an Android repo but Bitbucket  it does not seem to support a directory structure. I am trying to mirror part of

Is this possible with Bitbucket? I can do this with Gerrit.

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Lenin Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 15, 2020



Can you please define what you mean by "directory structure"? Do you mean individual directories inside a git repo?

mikem388 January 16, 2020

No. The android repo is a tree structure of git repos.  The android repo is made up of 400+ git repos. Look at the link I referenced. I find it hard to believe that I am the first one to ask this. The repo is cloned using the repo command.

mikem388 February 8, 2020

I am trying to add an Android repo (400+ git repos) into bitbucket. Gogglesource and gerrit use the same file system tree structure as the Android repo when it is synched to a locallocal system.  An example of this structure might look like this:






So my manifest file will have "PATH=device/google/marlin" So the structure has directories and sub-directories. Apparently Bitbucket can't deal with directories and is is frustrating. Using bitbucket you have to change the path to "PATH=device_google_marlin", a flat structure. Then when you pull new stuff from gogglesource to your local repo, you have to use another manifest file the supports the tree structure. This makes everything more complicated.

So there has to be a question in this somewhere: Why can't Bitbucket support a tree structure. I see a number of people have asked for this for years but apparently Atlassian has yet to do this. Surely, I'm not the only one trying to build an Android system. I'd like to hear from more people trying to do this and maybe they have a solution other than the hack of change the path to a flat system.




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