Stash install on linux: can not access via remote host on port 7990

Michael Grabenstein
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May 18, 2015

I have Stash installed on a linux box. Looks like it starts OK:

Tomcat started.

Success! You can now use Stash at the following address: 


But when I go to my Mac and try to load the IP:7990 I get failed to open page. I updated server.xml to have the IP of the linux server, same experience.

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Atlassian Team
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May 18, 2015

Hi Michael, 

This can be caused for different reasons. 

The first thing you should check is if there's a firewall blocking the communication. What is the return of the command below?

iptables -nL

Also, stop Stash and run netstat -vant and check if there isn't any other application running on this port.

In case both commands are fine, please have a look into this Confluence's documentation which there's a similar behaviour:



Renato Rudnicki

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