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Splitting a repo

meteograms October 18, 2017

There is a very useful article on splitting a repo, and excellent that it's linked to a working example to try.

But at the end of the steps, the advice is:

"The new freshrepo/bigdir is totally separate from the original splitpractice/bigdir directory. If you were splitting a repository in a production environment, you would probably remove the splitptractice/bigdir folder from splitpractice."

What is the exact command needed to achieve that?  For those not experienced with git, it can be pretty scary, and very easy to wipe out vital history or other information by doing the wrong thing!


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Brant Schroeder
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August 25, 2024

@meteograms Welcome to the Atlassian community

In the article that you referenced they are talking about taking a directory out of a repo and putting it in a new repo.  The last comment is splitting the directory out of the original repo and confirming that everything has been retained and good in the new repo it would be best to delete that directory out of the old repo so individuals do not accidently develop in it.  So is all you would be doing is deleting that directory.  

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