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Should [skip ci] stop a tag trigger?

Andrew Sammut
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August 24, 2022


Hi there,

I'm building a pipeline that uses github flow, semantic-release and the usual conventional commits. On a merge to main, after a successful set of tests, semantic release does its job, commits the versioned artefacts, and includes `[skip ci]` in the commit message because why would we want another build.

This is where things start to go off a little. Given it's a tag, and not a commit, I would expect the tag to trigger a pipeline. However, it's clear that the tag is not triggering because of the `[skip ci]`.

Has anyone worked out a way, with semantic-release and Bitbucket, to tag commits, but also get the tags to trigger while ensuring that the tagged commit doesn't start another branch push build?



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 30, 2022

Hey Andrew,

Welcome to the Bitbucket Cloud community! :)

The current behavior of [skip ci] means that every type of trigger for builds will be ignored, this includes commits to branches, pushing tags, and performing PR's.

I have raised a feature request ticket for our developers on your behalf, feel free to "Watch" this for future updates and "Vote" to increase the visibility of customer demand:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

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