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Set up SSH on macOS/Linux

kiusau September 6, 2019

Hi! I have a free account with BitBucket and was hoping to set up a pipeline between my host server and my BitBucket account.  The procedure that I have tried to follow can be found at

Unfortunately, when I click on the item SSH Keys under the menu item Pipeline in my Setting menu, only a blank panel appears.  There is no Add Key button.

Is a BitBucket upgrade required to set up a Pipeline, or is there something else that I must do before employing the procedure outlined on the aforementioned page?



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kiusau September 6, 2019

Never mind.  When running with a Japanese interface SSH Keys is tranlated as アクセスケー (Access Key), but still appears in English as SSH Keys in the Pipeline menu.  I was looking in the wrong submenu.

Thank you for your trouble.



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