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Self Hosted Pipeline Runners with self signed certificate firewall inspection

Bobin Joseph
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March 11, 2022


I am running a self hosted runner as mentioned here in K8s.


I am running into an issue with our CORP firewall performing inspection on outbound traffic. The runner fails as it cannot talk to Bitbucket to register itself as a runner in my repo.


I would like to know how I can install or add the self-signed cert to the bitbucket pod so that it accepts the certificate as valid.



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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 21, 2022

Hi @Bobin Joseph and welcome to the community!

What you can do is build a new Docker image that is based on the image runners are using and modify the certificate store.

An example Docker file would be the following:

COPY ldap.cer $JAVA_HOME/lib/security
cd $JAVA_HOME/lib/security \
&& keytool -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -trustcacerts -importcert -alias ldapcert -file ldap.cer

where ldap.cer replace with your certificate. Place the certificate file in the same directory as the Dockerfile, and then you can build the image with the following command

docker image build -t example/runner:cert .

and push it to Dockerhub or another registry.

When you create a runner from the Bitbucket website, you are given a docker container run command to start the runner.
In that command, replace with the name of the image you pushed earlier and then use it to start the runner.

Please feel free to let me know how it goes and if you need anything further.

Kind regards,

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