Secured Solution to Connect Private Jenkins to Bitbucket Cloud

Dan Zaltsman
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January 6, 2025



I am currently using a private Jenkins instance and would like to integrate it securely with Bitbucket Cloud. My primary concerns are around ensuring that the communication between Jenkins and Bitbucket remains secure while adhering to best practices for authentication and data exchange.

Could you kindly provide information or recommend a secured solution for this use case?

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 7, 2025

Hi Dan and welcome to the community!

As far as I'm aware, most integrations between Bitbucket Cloud and Jenkins use webhooks. There is a Bitbucket app in the Atlassian Marketplace:

There are also several Bitbucket plugins for Jenkins:

Bitbucket webhooks make requests to another server over the internet, so the Jenkins server will need to have a public IP address or domain name for Bitbucket to be able to reach it.

If your server is behind a firewall and if the integration you use indeed uses webhooks, you may need to allowlist the IP addresses used for webhook delivery. You can find these IP ranges on the following page, section Outgoing connections:

If you need to whitelist additional IPs for the Jenkins server to be able to clone Bitbucket repos or run API calls, you can find the IPs used by Bitbucket Cloud on the following page, section Valid IP addresses for,, and

Kind regards,

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