I’m trying to solve a problem where in.
Fetch the latest commit from the pull request and the develop branch. Compare the time the build of both by getting the build information of the latest commit on both. If the time of the build on develop is ahead of the pull request then veto “ there’s a commit in development branch, please trigger a new build manually”
This will block the pull request from getting merged without triggering a new build.
This is a custom merge check script for 7.x. I’m unable to find a similar package of buildservice which is deprecated in 8.X.
import com.atlassian.sal.api.component.ComponentLocator import com.atlassian.bitbucket.build.BuildService import com.atlassian.bitbucket.build.BuildState
def buildService = ComponentLocator.getComponent(BuildService)
def repository = repository
def pullRequest = pullRequest
def prBuilds = buildService.getBuilds(repository, pullRequest.getFromRef).getLatestCommit())
def developBuilds = buildService.getBuilds(repository, "develop")
def prLatestBuildTime = prBuilds.getValues).max { it.dateStarted.time }
def developLatestBuild Time = developBuilds.getValues).max { it .dateStarted.time }
if (developLatestBuild Time > prLatestBuild Time) {
veto ("Develop build is newer, merge blocked. Please trigger a new build manually”)