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Restrict adding reviewers until build is green

Giovanni Tirloni August 26, 2019

Common workflow:

* Developer finishes code on their local machine

* Developer opens PR

* Developer adds reviewers

* CI build fails

* Reviewers open PR and CI build is red. Close tab.

* Developer fights CI over and over until it's green

* Developer needs to ask reviewers (after a delay) to review the PR


It's a bit unproductive (and there's the human aspect to this all).

Would it be possible to restrict adding reviewers until X number of builds have passed?

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Alastair Wilkes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 26, 2019

Hi Giovanni,

Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm not sure we would implement this improvement exactly as suggested, but we are looking into the broader problem of "how do I signal to reviewers that my code is ready for review?" which this falls into.

For now, I suggest shifting your workflow to the branch list page -- that way you can see when your branch's builds are green, and then create a PR.


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