Restore deleted repository

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June 2, 2023

I have a criminal access to out bitbucket repository and have been revoked my admin rights. Further, a complete repositoy has been deleted. 

Does Atlassian have any backups alllwoing to restore? 

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 5, 2023

Hi @odrehmann,

It is best to handle this in a support ticket and I see you have already created one.

Please keep in mind, your Bitbucket Cloud account is an admin of the workspace you listed in the ticket.

You can see all users with access to this workspace, and remove any users, from this page:

Replace <workspace-id> with the id of your workspace.

I cannot see any repo deletion events for this workspace in the last 30 days. Was the content of the repo deleted instead? If so, please provide the repo URL in the support ticket you created.

Kind regeards,

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