Request For Garbage Collection

zachredfern March 29, 2023


I have a repository approaching 4GB in space and would like garbage collection performed on it.

This repository also has an upstream that I would like cleaned as well.

The workspace is called "******" and the last few characters of the repository in question are "**"

Thanks for your time,


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March 29, 2023

G'day Zach!

I've censored all parts of the workspace/repo identifiers just in case given this is a public forum.

I located both the fork repo and the upstream repo based on your description and have executed a gc operation against both of these, the new sizes are as follows:

  • Fork: 3.4GB > 301.3MB
  • Upstream: 2.5GB > 121.3MB

NOTE: Yourself and your colleagues will need to perform a fresh clone of both of those repositories, this will avoid any possibility of pushing back old refs and inflating the size again.

Hope this helps!


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)h

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