Repo Browser Shows Page Not Found Error

Jeremy Flint February 8, 2018

I have recently migrated my Bitbucket 4.14.0 instance from Windows/MS SQL server to Ubuntu 16.04 + PostgreSQL. I did this by migrating the database, copying the home directory, and then using the tar archive to install Stash.

Everything seems to be working (commits, clones, pulls, pushes, etc).

Whenever I go to browse a repot ( I get a red/white prompt that says "Page Not Found - We can't find the page you requested).

I can cancel that prompt and everything seems to work as planned. If I run console in the browser, it seems to be not finding /rest/jira-integration/latest/servers. I am not currently running any Jira integrations, so I am not sure why this is showing up.

Is this an option I can disable somewhere? Is it a permissions or ownership issue on some of the files?

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 9, 2018

Hi Jeremy! You said that you can cancel that prompt and everything seems to work as planned. Do you mean that after you cancel you can see the repositories as expected? 

You also said that you're not currently running any Jira integrations, did you have them before you migrated?

If you're still experiencing this issue we might need to open a support ticket for you and get a support zip and a HAR file. Let us know if this persists. 

Best regards,


Jeremy Flint February 9, 2018

Here is a screenshot of the error. If I click "close", I can still see the files, view the source of the files, etc. I can also check this repo out, make changes, commit, push, etc.

In Chrome console log, I see this message: 

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found): 7990/rest/jira-integration/latest/servers


Jeremy Flint February 23, 2018

Any ideas on this Ana? Anyone?

Mickael DESILE March 12, 2019

Same error for me :-( 

This FAQ doesn't work for me as i don't have any CSP configured : Error Page not found CSP

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