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Replace Bamboo Server with Bitbucket Pipeline (Cloud)

Sebi January 11, 2019


I am looking for an option to replace our current Bamboo Server with the  Bitbucket Pipline on Cloud. I want to get away of the local hosted server instance because I want move all local instances in the cloud. 

Do I have any options for this move?

Thanks in advance for any help.



1 answer

2 votes
Steven Vaccarella
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 14, 2019

Hi Sebastian,

There is no automated process for migrating from Bamboo to Pipelines. The amount of effort involved will depend entirely on how complex your Bamboo plans are, and in particular how much they rely on Bamboo tasks vs scripts (scripts could be potentially ported over to Pipelines).

I'd recommend that you start small and try porting one relatively simple plan across to Pipelines. This will give you a better idea of what is involved and help you estimate the overall migration effort. If you decide to proceed then the best approach will almost certainly be to move one plan at a time, using both systems while the migration is in progress.

Note that to use Pipelines your source repositories must be hosted in Bitbucket Cloud.

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