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Removing all approvals from a PR manually

Leon Geldschlager
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June 18, 2024

Is there a way to manually remove all approvals from a PR? I know that there's a feature to automatically remove them on each push but for some minor changes I don't want to remove approvals while for others I want people to reapprove them.

Is that possible?

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Saxea _Flowie_
Rising Star
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June 18, 2024

Hi @Leon Geldschlager

No, each user has to remove their approval either manually or using the API. Even when using the API it has to be called using the actual approver credentials.

I guess, another question would be how you define what is a minor change. Would that be up to the author to decide when re-approval is required? I'm interested because we provide solutions to these kind of automations via Flowie, a Bitbucket addon we provide. 

Leon Geldschlager
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 19, 2024

Yeah I was thinking it would be up to the author to decide when something needs reapproval. Otherwise it would be hard to define the difference between a minor and major change.

Saxea _Flowie_
Rising Star
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June 19, 2024

I see, we have no support for this yet, but is something that we can certainly add as custom action for you. Could also setup so it just resets one of the approvals instead of all of them. You can contact us on and we can assist you from there.

Also as a possible alternative, we have a merge check that ensures all comments are addressed, even if the commenter has already approved the PR. Flowie also keeps track of the comments resolution state in the PR search view. However, it doesn't solve the scenario where the author makes changes that is not related to any comments and wants someone else to review it.

Note that there's also a feature request here for this.

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