Received status code 429 from server: Too Many Requests

Forest Meng
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May 18, 2023

Hi guys:

 I set up pipelines in Concourse CI, to build our Android application, some jobs including build, code lint, unit test, but i always got some error

Log as below:


Could not determine the dependencies of task ':xxx:testDebugUnitTest'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':xxxx:debugUnitTestRuntimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve{version}.
Required by:
project :xxx
> Could not resolve{version}.
> Could not GET '{company}/{repository}/src/master/com/android/{version}/xxxx.pom'. Received status code 429 from server: Too Many Requests
xxxx.pom is belong with my other Bitbucket repository.
Do you have any idea to fixed it?

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Aron Gombas [Midori]
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May 19, 2023

The response code 429 means that you sent too many requests to Bitbucket Cloud in a short time window, therefore "rate limiting" activated itself and started to reject further requests.

You should identify what generates the requests and "reduce them". 


Forest Meng
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 21, 2023

@Aron Gombas [Midori] 

Thanks, that's very helpful for me, but i have other question, how to increase the limited request when i using authenticated requests? 

Aron Gombas [Midori]
Community Leader
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May 22, 2023

You cannot lift rate limits. Those are defined by Atlassian.

What you can do is sending less requests (by batching multiple operations into one if possible) or the same number of request, but over a longer period.

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