REST API to create and delete branch

Asipu Pawankumar November 23, 2021

Please help me with the APIs to 

  • Create Branch
  • Delete Branch

2 answers

1 vote
Caroline R
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 25, 2021

Hi, @Asipu Pawankumar! Welcome to the community! 

You can run the following request to create a branch using API:

-s -u username:AppPassword -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"name" : "{new_branch_name}",
"target" : {
"hash" : "main"

"main" should be the existing branch or commit hash from where you want to create a new branch.

And in order to delete a branch, you can run the following request:

curl --request DELETE -u username:AppPassword{workspace}/{repository}/refs/branches/{branch_name}

You can access the following links to find these endpoints:

I hope this helps, but do let me know if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,

Asipu Pawankumar November 28, 2021


Kube Net December 22, 2023


What Kind of option needs to be used for creating and deleting branches?

0 votes
Alex Xu August 6, 2022

non cloud , local host bitbucket , how do we create branch ? and merge to master ? 

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