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Pull Requests

Hawk Base
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June 17, 2019

My project builds on the CI / CD pipeline. When I create a pull request in Bit Bucket, jobs are automatically triggered.

I have a feature branch. When I create a PR now and job been successfully built. Now, When I create a merge request, I always get this error " Merge cannot be performed as I have updates in my Master branch"

I need to update the changes in the Master in my feature branch so that I can create a Merge request. What command do I need to use in Git Bash? Please guide.

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Jimmy Seddon
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June 18, 2019

Hi @Hawk Base,

Welcome to the Community!

If you need to update a feature branch from master what you will want to do the following in Git Bash:

1) Perform a git checkout of the feature branch in question.

2) Perform a git pull to make sure you have the latest changes locally.

3) Perform a git merge of master (this will bring all the differences in master to your feature branch).

4) Resolve any merge conflicts (if any exist).

5) Perform a git commit of the changes to your local version of the branch.

6) Perform a git push of the changes you just merged to the remote/origin copy of your feature branch.

I hope that helps!


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