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Problem importing svn repositories to bitbucket

Pete Storey
I'm New Here
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March 1, 2013


I'm tryign to migrate from SVN to Bitbucket/Git. I'm running the procedures outlined at , and it works fine for most of my projects, however one of them isn't working.

I can clone the project initially, but when I then try to clean it (during which it creates local branches for everything), it fails, and leaves the repository unusable.

I think the problem is it tries to import a particular branch, and this causes the issue. I'm not sure whether the branch name is too long or something, but it could be.

From the svn-git-migration.log:

git branch -f -t Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service refs/remotes/Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20We$


Creating the local branch 'Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service%20when%20get%20a%20365%20days%20duration%20quote%20from%20CTI' for Sub$

git branch -f -t Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service%20when%20get%20a%20365%20days%20duration%20quote%20from%20CTI refs/remotes/Webis$




# Checking for obsolete tags...

svn ls



git for-each-ref refs/tags/ --format=%(refname)

java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit code: 128

at scala.sys.process.BasicIO$Streamed$.next$1(BasicIO.scala:32)

at scala.sys.process.BasicIO$Streamed$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(BasicIO.scala:35)

at scala.sys.process.BasicIO$Streamed$.next$1(BasicIO.scala:32)

at scala.sys.process.BasicIO$Streamed$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(BasicIO.scala:35)

at scala.sys.process.BasicIO$Streamed$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(BasicIO.scala:35)

at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$AbstractBuilder.lines(ProcessBuilderImpl.scala:143)

at scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilderImpl$AbstractBuilder.lines(ProcessBuilderImpl.scala:106)

at com.atlassian.svn2git.Git.lines(Utils.scala:121)

at com.atlassian.svn2git.Git.forEachRefFull(Utils.scala:87)

at com.atlassian.svn2git.Git.forEachRef(Utils.scala:89)

at com.atlassian.svn2git.Tags$.checkObsolete(Tags.scala:88)

And the .git/config is left ending

[branch "Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service"]

remote = .
merge = refs/remotes/Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service
[branch "Webissues(000295)%20%20-%20NullPointerException%20for%201Cover%20Web%20Service%20when%20get%20a%20365%20days%20duration%20quote%20from%20CTI"]
remote = .

i.e. without a merge = line for that branch - which then means the whole repository is broken and won't load. If you subsequently try to do any git operation, you get an error line:

fatal: bad config file line 85 in .git/config

85 is the last [branch …] line. I've tried manually adding the merge = to the config file, but it makes no difference.

Does anyone know what this might be?



2 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 10, 2013

Hi Pete,

So there's actually nothing really "wrong" with that remote property as such. The issue is that git can't parse a branch in the config with a length greater than ~122.

This is made worse by git-svn expanding spaces to %20.

There is definitely another question about whether we should be creating those branch entries in the first place, but one benefit is that we can then accurately perform sync-rebase by looking up the git-svn branch name. I'll try to update our svn migration scripts to either truncate long branches or at least warn/error in these cases with a better message. The former might be hard to do because that would then confuse git-svn on the next fetch.


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Pete Storey
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 1, 2013

I have "solved" this by simply removing the offending line from the .git/config file. I suspect however that were I to re-clean the project, it would fail again for the same reason.

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