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Prisma Cloud (twistcli) container scanning from BitBucket Pipeline - is this possible?

patrick feerick February 17, 2023

We are migrating from Jenkins CI to BBC pipeline and are blocked by this. Prisma provide a tool (twistcli) which we install in our image, however it tries to run Docker using the --security-opt argument and this is blocked by BBC.

Since Prisma is a relatively common tool I'm hoping someone else has already got around this?




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Mark C
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2023

Hi @patrick feerick,

Thank you for reaching out to the community.

The Docker command with the --security-opt is indeed not allowed when you run it on Pipelines cloud infrastructure. - Here's the full list of restricted commands

Alternatively, you can explore Bitbucket Cloud Pipelines runners which will allow you to have more control as it runs on your self-hosted machine.

Hope it helps and do let me know if you have further questions.

Mark C

patrick feerick February 27, 2023

Thank @Mark C  I guess that is an option, although the need for server management does not at first glance make it look too attractive. AFAIK bbc-pipeline equivalents (on Azure, Github) seem to be supporting Prisma. You would have thought they were as similarly constrained vs Docker.


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September 26, 2023

Hi @patrick feerick I am also trying to implement twistcli in CI pipeline.

Could you please help me how you have enabled it?

patrick feerick September 26, 2023

Hi Anubhav,

We gave up on attempting to run twistcli in BBC because of the above restrictions. I haven't attempted since then but doubt those restrictions have gone away.

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