Post Service not posting, has it been turned off?

dan_willett September 2, 2015

I am using a post service to automate deployment of commits to my website.  Recently I noticed that my commits were not getting posted to my website.  I checked the logs, and it isn't showing any hits from BitBucket.  I manually hit my deploy script and it logged the hit just fine.  I set up a post service to and did a test commit, and there was no hit from BitBucket.

It appears that the POST service is turned off, how do I turn it back on?

I am pushing my commits using SourceTree.

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dan_willett September 2, 2015

Well, it seems like it is working, but it is taking over an hour after I push the commit before it does the post.  Why is that, before it would always do the post within seconds of when I pushed the commit...

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