Possible option for integration Bitbucket with Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Deleted user September 15, 2015

We are software developer and currently working for US based corporate. Our client is using your paid services .

We have deployed our source to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk server which support git integration. So my question is "Can we have any option in Butbucket panel so that when we committed on bitbucket then it can directly deploy to Elastic Beanstalk".

This is important to us to commit all our souce code to Bitbucket and deploy to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. Please Suggest

3 answers

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David Macias
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October 21, 2016

Did you ever find a solution to your issue. I'm facing the same challenge. Would love to use Bitbucket to automatically push to my AWS Beanstalk instance.

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Deleted user September 16, 2015

Thanks for your reply. We are using php platform . We want to commit/push all data to Bitbucket. After that we are looking for an option in Bitbucket online panel from where we can deploy all data to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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September 16, 2015

@Jitendra - Makes a lot of sense, to clarify: When you say "directly deploy to Elastic Beanstalk", does that mean that your source can be deployed as is (i.e. does not require any additional build steps, like compilation, minification, etc.)? Also, what platform(s) are you targeting? Finally, do you expect the deployment to start automatically on push, or are you looking for a manual trigger?

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