Pipeline 'azure-functions-deploy' failing because it can't find resource group

David Gard
April 12, 2019

When trying deploy an Azure Function via a pipeline, I'm seeing the following error -

✖ Could not get the resource group associated with function my-function-app.

I used a snippet from readme file of the azure-function-deploy pipeline in my YAML file, so hopefully I'm not missing anything. I'm using version 1.0.1.

Is anyone able to suggest what may be going wrong, or how I can further investigate the issue?

Here is my pipeline YAML file -

image: microsoft/dotnet:sdk

- step:
name: Build WitchHunt
- dotnetcore
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build $PROJECT_NAME
- apt-get update
- apt-get install zip -y
- zipfile="myapp.zip"
- dir="packages"
- mkdir $dir
- zip -r $zipfile $dir
- step:
name: Deploy Function App to Azure
- pipe: microsoft/azure-functions-deploy:1.0.1
ZIP_FILE: packages/myapp.zip
DEBUG: "false"


3 answers

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September 8, 2022

In desired subscription you can add service principal as contributor and all works!

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David Gard
April 15, 2019

I believe I know the answer here, and it looks as though it's because of an inadequacy with how the azure-functions-deploy pipe works.

The 'AZURE_APP_ID' that I was using was for a Service Principal that could see resources in more than one Subscription. Looking at the output, I could see the following -

++ az login --service-principal --username $AZURE_APP_ID --password $AZURE_PASSWORD --tenant $AZURE_TENANT
++ az resource list -n $FUNCTION_APP_NAME --resource-type Microsoft.Web/Sites --query '[0].resourceGroup'

This means that the first Subscription was selected, and so my Function App was not found, leading to the error about the Resource Group not being found.

What I believe the pipe should do is log in to Azure, set the desired Subscription, and then look for the Resource Group to which the Function App belongs -

az login --service-principal --username $AZURE_APP_ID --password $AZURE_PASSWORD --tenant $AZURE_TENANT
az account set --subscription $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION
az resource list -n $FUNCTION_APP_NAME --resource-type Microsoft.Web/Sites --query '[0].resourceGroup'

In this case, I had to create a new Service Principal and ensure that it could only see resources in one Subscription.

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Rob van der Velden
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July 6, 2022

Alternatively, you could use Microsofts Azure-Cli docker container and script the steps yourself.

azureDeployment: &azureDeployment
  image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli
    - az login --service-principal --username $MY_CLIENT_ID --password $MY_CLIENT_SECRET --tenant $MY_TENANT_ID
    - if [ ! -z "$MY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" ]; then az account set --subscription $MY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID; fi
    - az functionapp deployment source config-zip  -g "my-resource-group-name" -n "my-azure-function" --src "publish.zip"

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