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Pipeline Error: ERROR: Task deploy:vendors failed! (TYPO3)

Mylene Kreiger April 30, 2024

Hi there,

I am using deployer to deploy my TYPO3 project on the server. Since today I am getting this error: ERROR: Task deploy:vendors failed!

I changed absolutely nothing in my pipeline since the last time.

I get these informations:Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-30 um 14.50.51.pngI already checked, the php extension gd ist active for my domain:

Can anyone help? 

Thanks and all the best,

1 answer

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 1, 2024

Hi Mylene,

Some of the things that can cause failures in Pipelines builds include:

  • changes in your source code (since the build is running on your source code)
  • changes in the Docker image you use as a build container
  • changes in your project's dependencies
  • changes on your server (since you are deploying to another server)

I would suggest first trying the following:

Kind regards,

Mylene Kreiger May 19, 2024

Hi Theodora,

I tried to troubleshoot today. Started the local docker debugging and ended up with a different error. To ensure I reran the pipeline and there I am getting the same new error

[] bash: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.38' not found (required by bash)

[] error in info.php on line 6:

[] exit code -1 (Unknown error)

done deploy:info 80s 432ms

ERROR: Task deploy:info failed!

task deploy:failed

done on

done deploy:failed 62ms

The same error occurs if I try to rerun a commit that already succeeded in the past. Any ideas?

Thanks & kind regards,

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 21, 2024

Hi Mylene,

Based on the error you posted here, it looks like the package GLIBC is missing from the Docker container where the build runs. I suspect that may be caused by either a change in the Docker image you use as a build container or a change in your project's dependencies.

I would suggest following the link to debug locally the last successful build (in the Dockerfile, provide the exact same image SHA from the last successful pipeline). If that succeeds locally, then the error has to do with a change in the Docker image. You can then pin the image by digest in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file (you can pin to the digest of the last successful build):

Kind regards,

Mylene Kreiger May 25, 2024

Hi Theodora,

the last successfull build doesn't work locally:

task deploy:lock

[localhost] run git config --get

[localhost] run whoami

[localhost] root

[] run [ -f /.share_home/derkreiger_at/amitex/staging/.dep/deploy.lock ] && echo +locked || echo 'root' > /.share_home/derkreiger_at/amitex/staging/.dep/deploy.lock

[] +locked

[] run cat /.share_home/derkreiger_at/amitex/staging/.dep/deploy.lock

[] ci

[] Deployer\Exception\GracefulShutdownException in lock.php on line 14:


[]   Deploy locked by ci.

[]   Execute "deploy:unlock" task to unlock.


done deploy:lock 313ms

ERROR: Task deploy:lock failed!

I tried to rerun the same build in the pipeline and I get the same error. I am very confused... as you can see it is always a different error. How is this possible?

Kind regards,


Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 27, 2024

Hi Mylene,

Assuming that you pinned locally in the Dockerfile the exact same image SHA from the last successful build, it doesn't look like this is related to the Docker image only. Considering the local failure, the issue is not specific to Pipelines either. I suspect there may have been a change in any of the tools you use during your build which makes the build fail now on that container.

I suggest reaching out to the support team or a forum specific to the tool you are using when you get this error for help with troubleshooting this. You need to have a build that works locally on a Docker container for it to work in Pipelines as well.

Kind regards,

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