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Passing Context Parameters to React Frontend

Paul McLoughlin
I'm New Here
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February 25, 2019

I'm having difficulty trying to get context parameters into my react front end, I have a module that looks like this, but I don't know how I would access the `user` object in the front end, my understanding is that the `url` would traditionally point to some template file, where it would automatically pass the user object.

"adminPages": [
"key": "admin-page",
"location": "org.bitbucket.account.admin",
"name": {
"value": "Repositories"
"url": "/?user={user}"

 Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2019

Hi Paul, welcome to the Community!

Are you experiencing this issue In Bitbucket? If so, could you tell us a bit more, such in are you using any plugins or add-ons, and where exactly are you getting this error?

Let us know!

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