Options | Pipeline Settings

afernandezdecastro May 25, 2023

I would like to know the list of repositories in a workspace that have the "Pipeline" option enabled.






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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 26, 2023

Hi Ennio,

This is possible from our website if you check the repositories' settings one by one. If you have a large number of repos in that workspace, you can get this info via API. First, you can use this API endpoint to get all repositories in the workspace:

Then, for each repository, you can use the following API endpoint:

If Pipelines are enabled for a repository, you will see in the response the field "enabled": true.

If Pipelines were previously enabled for a repo, but are now disabled, you will see in the response the field "enabled": false.

If Pipelines were never enabled in the past for a specific repo, you will get a response like the following:

"error": {
"message": "Not found",
"detail": "Repository {REPO_UUID} does not exist for account {WORKSPACE_UUID}.",
"data": {
"key": "account-service.repository.not-found",
"arguments": {
"uuid": "{REPO_UUID}"

where REPO_UUID is the UUID of the repository you are running the API call for, and WORKSPACE_UUID is the UUID of the workspace this repo belongs to.

This is a bug and we have a bug report to fix the response in order to indicate that Pipelines is disabled: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BCLOUD-22241.

Kind regards,

afernandezdecastro May 30, 2023

Hi Theodora, thank you!!

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 31, 2023

You are very welcome, Ennio. Please feel free to reach out if you ever need anything else!

Kind regards,

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