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Only allow merge when all checks are accomplished

Sergio A June 20, 2024


I have the following branch restriction configuration in my repository:


As you can see we have three checks that all Pull Requests should accomplish. As I'm part of the group I'm able to merge the Pull Requests. I would like to give my developers permissions to merge its own Pull Requests but only if the checks are resolved.

The problem came when I have a Pull Requests with unresolved checks, even if the checks are unresolved I'm able to merge the Pull Requests. Is there any option to give my team permissons but just when all checks has been confirmed?



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Nicolas Grossi
June 20, 2024
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2024

Hi @Sergio A 

The only want to enforce these merge checks is via a Premium plan as this is a premium feature.

You can prevent a merge from proceeding with unresolved merge checks by navigating to Repository Settings > Branch Restrictions and enabling the Prevent a merge with unresolved merge checks option within the Merge Settings tab on the target branch:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)


Sergio A June 21, 2024

 I see. Thank you @Nicolas Grossi for the link!

1 vote
Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesCo_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 23, 2024

Hello @Sergio A 

You may also explore Bitbucket cloud apps on the Atlassian Marketplace that facilitate your pull request review and merge process, including enforcing merge conditions. 

We have built Workzone for Bitbucket Cloud for enterprise level pull request workflows including

  • File/path reviewers and groups, added when the PR is created or updated
  • fine grained enforced merge control, including group approval quota, build results etc (Bitbucket premium is not required)
  • Intuitive configuration UI on Workspace, project or repo level.

Please check out Workzone and other apps that may improve your pull request workflow and save your team a lot of time.

Best, Ulrich

// Izymes

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