Old Pipeline, Used for a Few Years - Now Failing

Christian Griffith
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May 19, 2023

We use Bitbucket to manage and compile our main SASS repo. The pipeline in question is very basic and uses Node and SASS to compile and compress CSS for the front-end (also generates a source map file for debugging).

I setup the pipeline YAML  a few years back, and it's worked fine for a good while. Now, today, when trying to run the pipeline, it fails when it reaches the following line:

sass --style=compressed --embed-sources sass/styles-main.scss compiled-www-stylesheet/styles-main.css

Error Message: ReferenceError: globalThis is not defined...

I appreciate any/all suggestions!!!

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Christian Griffith
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 19, 2023

I think I've got it fixed—updated the "image" line of the pipeline to:  image: atlassian/default-image:3 

We were using default-image:2 before...

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