Not receiving bitbucket invitation emails

_Mohamed Salama__
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December 31, 2024




I just started working for new employer, but I am not able to access their bitbucket workspaces. I am not receiving any invitation emails that are supposed to have been sent. I don't understand why it doesn't work, I have received "Welcome to Bitbucket" emails and similar from Atlassian.

My email address is [redacted]

I have checked my spam folder, but it is empty.


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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 31, 2024

Hi and welcome to the community!

I checked our email logs and some of the emails Atlassian has sent to your email address were bounced by your employer's mail server with the message:

Your email appears to be unsolicited and was not accepted by <domain> .

where <domain> is the domain of your email address.

I suggest reaching out to the administrator of your employer's mail server as it looks like it's blocking our emails. If emails are blocked based on sender's IPs, the following IP ranges are used for outbound email from Atlassian:

After they take action, your Bitbucket admin needs to send you a new invitation, as the previous ones were dropped.

Kind regards,

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