Not able to login with Git Bash

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March 14, 2022

From Yesterday , i am unable to login using Git bash , Its prompting for password , even though i am entering the correct password its keep throwing error. Can someone help me out here .



2 answers

3 votes
Stepan Kravetskyi
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March 15, 2022
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 15, 2022

Created App password . But still my credentials not working

Stepan Kravetskyi
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I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 15, 2022

Have you provide all permissions when created app password?

Dave S March 21, 2022

These instructions on the blog post are trash BTW starting with 'Personal Settings' is not an option when you click on your avatar, under the settings under your Avatar there are no options to Create app password.

If you are making drastic and required changes to something that has been the status quo for over a decade try and do better.

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Dave S March 21, 2022

If you are following the blog post, navigate to, this is not located under your Atlassian profile.

Then from the git command line check that you are using your Atlassian user name:

git remote --view

If it's contains something like '' change it to '' using the same git remote command.

Setup a new password per the blog post with what permissions who knows, no guidance given so I gave mine Repositories: Read and Write privilege's I don't know if it needs Admin.

Set the password with

git config user.password xxxxnewlygeneratedpasswordxxx

Dave S March 21, 2022

This change will lead many to go from a password manager to saving their passwords in plain text on hard drives. Yeah way to go for improving security Atlassian!

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Caroline R
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 18, 2022

Hi, @Shan, welcome to the community! 

By your description, it seems that the issue you are facing is related to the recent changes with the removal of support for Atlassian account password for operations GIT over HTTPS and API requests.

This was announced in our Blog post Deprecating Atlassian account password for Bitbucket API and Git activity and shared on multiple email communication sent to our customers in the last few months. This announcement was also included in the terminal message response for HTTPS GIT transactions.

For more details on how to resolve this issue, please refer to our community post here: 

This post provides detailed instructions users need to take to help resolve the issue. This community post also provides answers to FAQ, make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page to find the answers.

If after reading the community post you have further questions, please do reach out and we will be happy to help.

Kind regards, 

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