Need to revert master branch to yesterdays state

Manikanta_A May 8, 2023

Hi Team,


Looks like our master branch got corrupted yesterday so we need to move branch to yesterdays state.

Need your help asap , Since it is impacting our production release.



Manikanta A

PH: +91 90597788808

2 answers

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Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesCo_
Atlassian Partner
May 8, 2023

Hi Manikanta,

I feel your pain, having a corrupted master branch is no fun.

I assume the master branch is already shared via Bitbucket, or to speak in git terms, the corrupting changes are already pushed to the remote master branch?

In that case it is best to use `git revert HEAD~1..HEAD` to create a new commit that reverts the corrupting one. If you have more than one commit (for example 3) to roll back you can use `git revert HEAD~3..HEAD`. Git will one by one create new commits that revert the corrupt ones.

You can push the master branch without any problems to Bitbucket (remote) as you essentially created new commits.

Hope that helps, let me know how you go.

Best, Ulrich

// Izymes - Tools for efficient Devops teams.

0 votes
Manikanta_A May 8, 2023

This has to fixed asap. Can some one look at this issue

Ulrich Kuhnhardt _IzymesCo_
Atlassian Partner
May 8, 2023

Please have a look at my suggestion above. You can fix this easily by using git revert. Cheers, Ulrich // Izymes

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